This is what Spring Skiing is all about at Falls Creek …

What a contrast of days to yesterday today was. We awoke to glorious sunshine so it was a quick dash up the mountain to some spectacular skiing on groomed runs. Even the non groomed runs were good once they softened.

On top of that there was nobody on the mountain (or it seemed that way). Managed to get about an hour and a half on Ruined Castle and Scotts before the ski schools descended.

The conditions continued until 3:00 pm but Bradley and Jenny were feeling tired from all the skiing so they went back to the Ski Lodge around 1:30.

They made it back up at 3:30 in time to grab Rachael from Junior Workshop. We managed to get a few more runs in before the black clouds and the rain came over. This is supposed to turn into snow overnight.

Before we called it a day, Bradley and I had a head to head race on Nastar Race Course. The winner was me but only just but I stil have it but not sure for how long.

Bradley redeemed himself with a race back to the Lodge. He got back 30 metres in front of me and he took the direct route.

Lets hope tomorrow is as good.

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