Another day of Paradise in Falls Creek …

We woke up to another day of sunshine after the rain at the end of the day yesterday. Once again the groomers had done their job giving us some good runs to tackle and we expanded our skiing to include the Summit today as well.

As is usual with Spring skiing, the snow had softened by around 11:00 am but provided you kept the skis pointed downhill, it was still good.

Bradley and Rachael are becoming some good skiers now with Jenny and myself maintaining our skills.

I took some video of Jenny and the kids so after some editing will get it up.

The clouds rolled in in the early afternoon with around 3:00 pm down came the snow. At least it wasn’t rain like yesterday. As I write this the snow is still falling – heavy at times.

Todays tally from the GPS was 56 km – similar to yesterday.

One thought on “Another day of Paradise in Falls Creek …”

  1. It looks so COLD – but gorgeous. I guess it’s like anything though – it’s fine if you’re dressed properly for the weather!

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