I am not sure where else you can go in the world, dress up in onesies, strap into a GoKart and go play in the traffic of one of the largest Metropolis’s in the world but that is what we are doing today in Tokyo.
We have a 3 hour tour of Tokyo with a difference. It is called MariCAR Shinagawa (one of 6 shops they have in Tokyo). It is loosely based on Mario Carts but had to change their name after a run in with Nintendo over copyright issues. You still get to dress up as Mario characters or even Disney ones as well.
We all had a bit of a sleep in after yesterday at Disney but hit the trains around 10:30am after some walking and training we arrived at the MariCAR Shinagawa about half an hour early. We are getting good at this train system now. This mornings trains were the Musashino Line to Nishi-Funabashi, staying on the same train on the Keiyo Line to Tokyo. It is then a walk through the rabbit warren of Tokyo Station to the Yamanote Line to Shinagawa.
Some more paperwork, pay some insurance and we were soon dressed up and ready to rumble.
I was “Mr Potato Head”, Jenny was “Nemo”, Bradley was “Sully”, Racheal was “Stitch” and Justin was the “Italian Plumber from Mario Carts”. The carts were a 50cc machine dressed up to look like Mario Carts but they still had some get up and go. We managed to top out at 70kph which is not bad for the streets of Tokyo.
After a little warm up around Shinagawa, it was time to tackle the Rainbow Bridge with real traffic including big trucks. Only managed 50kph up the bridge but maxed out at 70kph off the bridge. Not sure what speed Bradley was doing but managed to overtake us on the bridge which gave the group a warning. One more warning and the tour is cancelled.
A short stop at Odaiba to check out the Statue of Liberty. Yes Tokyo has its own Statue of Liberty but not as large as New York. There is a good view of the Rainbow Bridge and across to Tokyo proper. There were many Japanese who wanted their photos with the strange dressed up foreigners and we were happy to oblige.
It was back over the Rainbow Bridge with plenty of waves and photos along the way from bystanders both on foot and in cars. The tour then took us around the Tokyo Tower, along Tokyo’s version of Rodeo Drive then onto Shibuya crossing for a couple of drivethroughs.
It was getting cold but I had enough layers to keep me warm but Justin and Bradley without the extra padding were finding it cold. After 3 and a bit hours our tour was over. We would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to see Tokyo a little differently.
The crew at MariCAR recommended the Ramen Row under the Shinagawa Station for a meal. We chose Legendary Star Donburiya Shinagawa which was good meal and good value.
It was time to be sardines again but as we got on in Tokyo, we jagged seats and acted like Japanese and slept for most of the ride to our Station. It was time to do some more vending machine bingo where you try and guess what is in the can and buy one to see if it is right. Today’s can was some sort of melon drink but never picked that.
Trains home were the Yamanote Line to Tokyo, scramble through the Tokyo Station to the Keiyo Line to Nishi-Funabashi , staying on the same train, Musashino Line to Shin-Yahashira.
Before we got home there was time to check out some stores including a Y100 store (a bit like our $1 stores) which have lots of little stuff, the 7/11 for more stuff and then the local Tairaya Supermarket for more serious groceries but again we are very much in the dark until you open and sample it. Rather than take the local train, we walked back to the apartment taking in some of the back streets to see some traditional Japanese homes as well as community gardens. There was even a surfboard repair business in someones back shed.
Tomorrow, provided everyone is up early enough we will go check out the Sumo training.
Still a lot of walking today with 13000 steps but everything is starting to get conditioned.