Home through Brachina Gorge …

This morning was spent with more workshop sessions and after lunch it was time to head home. I decided to take an alternative route through the Brachina Gorge.

The Brachina Gorge is a step back through geological time with a number of different features that are Earthcaches.

An Earthcache site is a place that people can visit to learn about a unique geoscience feature or aspect of our Earth. Visitors to EarthCache sites can see how our planet has been shaped by geological processes, how we manage the resources and how scientists gather evidence to learn about the Earth.

I decided it was time to take the plunge and place an Earthcache myself at the Slippery Dip or Brachina Formation. The process for an earthcache is more involved than hiding a normal cache and the process takes more than a month. My listing is GC2B2R0 – Slippery Dip anyone ….

Another big day of caches on the way home with 26 finds but no FTF’s this time.

And now for the kangaroo story. Just after leaving Carrieton, I spotted a kangaroo on the side of the road in the distance. Unsure of which way it was going to jump, I started slowing down and of course as I came up on it it jumped my way. Quickly on the brakes but the roo went under the front of the car. Once I stopped, it picked itself up and jumped off. The only damage I could see was a dented number plate.

I later found that I had a oil leak as well which was easily fixed at the next car service 🙂

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