Time to get down to some serious soaking …

This morning, the big thing was to move from our unpowered to a powered site which meant that we needed for those moving out to vacate their sites. Well that wasn’t a huge issue as by the time we woke up all of the grey nomads had already left so there were plenty of sites to choose from.

Once we had made the move, we headed up to Bitter Springs. I had been here before but Jenny had not. It is a different experience to the Rainbow Spring Thermal Pool at Mataranka Homestead. To enjoy Bitter Springs the necessities are a noodle and some thongs (the type you wear on your feet).

Instead of soaking, you grab your noodle and float downstream relaxing until you reach the footbridge (a journey of around 150-200 metres), get out and walk back to the start then float down again. The water is a similar temperature to Rainbow Spring and the water clear until the kids and swimmers get in and stir up the silt on the bottom of the creek. It was a popular spot today and soon filled up.

With the car park being 200 metres from the Springs, you certainly didn’t need to take a towel as you were dry by the time you returned to the car. We continued floating for a couple of hours before heading back to Mataranka Homestead.

Back at Rainbow Springs, we continued with our soaking until dark. It was interesting at dusk with the Little Red Flying Foxes started flying around, some of which came very close to hitting you. They must have been grabbing insects near the water surface.

It is going to be a shame to be heading on tomorrow.

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