Onto Googs Lake ….

We awoke this morning to some dark clouds to the north. What a contrast to the 2 great days we had just had. It could be a wet day ahead. After breaking up camp, we headed towards Ceduna via Smoky Bay with some drizzle but not heavy rain. The dirt roads were a little slippery.

Once we hit Ceduna, it was still overcast but the darker clouds seemed to have moved on. After grabbing a few caches and doing some refuelling and restocking, it was time to get to the start point. This is the first time that all vehicles had got together and after the attachment of sand flags it was time to get going.

There was some light rain as we entered the Yumbarra Conservation Park but it was fairly easy going to Googs Lake, with only a couple of sandhills providing a challenge to a 2WD vehicle. In fact there was no need to engage 4WD on this section.

Arriving at Googs Lake, we needed to get some 4WDing in and there was a couple of tracks up from the lake that challenged a few of us but all got up in the end.

Giving the Fronty a workout

Another hill for the Fronty …

A stop for lunch then it was off to Nalara Rock & Lois Rock. This involved a 100km round trip on some rugged tracks but only due to corrugations. Once there, these were impressive rocks with some great views of the area. There were even rock pools with tadpoles after the recent rains.

Back to Googs Lake, set up the campsite and time for some campfire stories and beverages until the early hours.

With regard to the mouse plague. At this time we have seen nothing that even looks like a mouse so the stories may have been over exagerated.

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