More soaking …

After a sleep-in, it was down for some more soaking at the thermal pool. It must be getting closer to school holidays as the number of kids is starting to outnumber the oldies.
Spoke with a few and most have taken their kids out of school early as holidays dont start for a week.
The afternoon session was a little bit better with the pool clearing around 5pm. By 6pm there was half a dozen of us in there to enjoy the nightly flight of the flying foxes and the near full moon rising.
It was getting cooler out but eventually we had to get out after 2 1/2 hours soaking.
Just for something different, we headed down to watch Nathan “Whippy” Griggs and his whip cracking show. That is now the 10th time I have seen the show.
This is our last night here and it is time to move on further south before heading east into Queensland.