Is that the rain Marge …

Woke up this morning with the sound of rain on the roof. Is this the monthly rainfall in a day that has been hyped up for the last few days. Unfortunately it was not.

The rain was light and short lived but it sure made it humid outside. Took a bit of a rest day geocaching around Dubbo awaiting the big rains but looking at the radar, I think it will be bypassing here.

Not sure what is going on around Dubbo but there seems to be a lot of new housing developments around the outskirts. It may be due to an increase in mining around the surrounding area.

It is always interesting where Geocaching takes you and today was one of those moments with the Driftwell System. It is a series of wells that were dug and brick lined back in the 1890’s which provided the water supply for Dubbo. The wells are still intact more than 100 years on but I am not sure that they are providing water any more.

Later in the afternoon, some more rain arrived but once again it was light and short lived. I guess we don’t need to build the ark just yet. Although looking further up the coast in mid Queensland, it looks like they are taking a drenching. Hopefully it clears up before we get there in a week.