The Ohio Foodfest continues …

An easy day today compared to yesterday but the foodfest was still in full swing.

This morning started with brunch at Sleepy Bee Cafe which proved to be very popular with a 45 minute wait to get in. It was worth it as I have now found a new favourite pancake with bacon mixed in the batter. Needless to say, I failed to get through the stack of 3 large pancakes. The game needs a lift.

On the way back to the house, a visit to Billy’s mum at the 5 star nursing home and we think she may have remembered me from yesterday but at least she got to chat with Jenny this time.

There were a couple of hours before our next meal, so Jenny want to check out the local Walmart. It was pretty disappointing as far as Walmarts go as the customers were almost normal and the range was light on to what we normally see. Even though, Jenny still managed 45 minutes wandering around and only coming out with a half a dozen items.

I needed to get a bluetooth keyboard for my iPad and with Walmart having nothing suitable, there was a Best Buy down the road. They also had the Samsung S8 in stock, but unfortunately the unlocked versions are not available for another month. It looked alright with a bit more screen real estate than the Samsung S7 and no physical home button for around the same size.

After arriving back at the house a bit later than we had planned it was time to leave for the next feast at the best Pizza place in the Greater Cincinnati area – Two Cities Pizza Co. They specialise in New York and Chicago style pizza and the place was packed with people queued up. Luckily we had pre-booked and having Billy and Teri’s kids and grand kids meant we got the board room almost to ourselves. The restaurant is located in the old Mason Town Hall. Another great meal and again I failed to get through it. I guess that is lunch for tomorrow.

Billy’s daughter Amy had just completed their McMansion not far from the pizza joint, so we headed over to be impressed and impressed we were. Thomas and Amy had done an amazing job building their dream home. You probably could fit at least 3 of our homes in theirs.

It was bed time for the grand kids, so time to hit another fire station. This time it was one of Billy’s stations – Loveland Symmes Station 61. I think we may have surprised the guys. They weren’t expecting their Chief to turn up on a Saturday night but they were very accommodating. As well as getting photos of the trucks, they managed a call so we chased them to the call which ended up being a false alarm.

Back home everyone was getting a little sleepy so an early night to bed was in order.