Riverland geocaching …

After having to work yesterday at the Glossop Fire on my day off, I made use of today as an alternative day off and took the opportunity to spend the day geocaching around Cobdogla, Kingston-on-Murray, Barmera and Waikerie.

Crane2 had spent a week out at Loch Luna and hid a series of seven geocaches that had been published overnight and I had a good chance of being the “First to Find” but I didn’t take into account someone camping up nearby going for the FTF’s during the night. I ended up with a silver find on all of them. It was good chance to see some scenery that I haven’t seen before – will put it on my camping list to do.

There were some good views of the River Murray. It is amazing the difference a year makes. A little over 12 months ago the river levels were way down but after some major floods in the eastern states and now the Murray is looking very healthy.