Category Archives: Skiing

Wet, wet, wet ….

After a couple of perfect traveling days to get to Falls Creek and clear skies even last night as we grabbed our skies and settled into Schuss Ski Lodge, it all went downhill around 5am this morning with the sound of heavy rain on the roof.

The thunderstorms that had hit Adelaide only 10 hours earlier had made it to the snow and there looked like little respite for a while.

Checking out the radar, it wont be at least til after lunch that we will get out on the slopes and what damage has the rain made.

I have just had a look at the mountain cams and there is about 10 people that are brave (mad) enough to be out there doing it and most of them seem to be shredders (typical). 🙂

At around 2pm, the rain started subsiding so we decided at least to take our skis up to a locker at the top of the mountain and if the conditions were OK then do some skiing.

There was a light drizzle up there and visibility wasn’t too bad so we skied until the lifts shut down. The snow was very good and it probably had something to do with the lack of people on the mountain – obviously fair weather skiers. 🙂

Nevertheless we did get very wet and cold by the time we finished but a hot shower and beverage around the fire made it all worth while. Even though we were only out for 2.5 hours, the mileage was an OK 23 km.

The rain has persisted into the night and looking at the radar there is some good stuff on the way including lightning. Hopefully there is some snow left in the morning.

Another good day in the snow …

With overcast conditions and low temperatures this morning including a little fog, it looked like it may not have been a good day on the slopes at Falls Creek. It was good that everyone else was thinking that as there were hardly anyone on the slopes.

Started on the Summit on some nice groomed runs where I managed to make my own tracks up until 10:30 am when the ski schools descended. Made our way back over the mountain but couldn’t quite find runs that would top the ones from this morning.

Around lunchtime the clouds parted and we had blue skies which was unexpected. Then the temperature dropped and the snow crusted up followed by snowfalls.

After doing 55 kms for the day it was time to call it quits today and head back to the Schuss Lodge.

September 12 of 12 in the snow …

We were never going to get another day like yesterday. Even though the skies were clear and it was sort of warm (8C), there was a wind that dropped the wind chill down to -5C. Also as the temperature didn’t drop below zero last night, the slopes didn’t start the day as well as previous days.

But you make do with what you have and we headed out a little earlier than other days to enjoy another spring day of skiing at Falls Creek. The plan was to start over on the Summit and move across the mountain finishing up at Main Street. This seemed to work yesterday well.

The plan changed slightly once we got to the top of the mountain. Rachael needed some video for a school project so a few runs down Main Street before heading to the Summit.

We made it over to the Summit earlier than yesterday but the conditions weren’t the same as they never groomed the mountain so it was very similar to what was left yesterday afternoon. A couple of runs here then we headed over to Ruined Castle and Scotts. This seemed to be the pick today.

Eventually the wind won and I headed back to the Schuss Lodge while Rachael went for her second snowboard lesson while Jenny pottered around with a Blackwood Mum who was on the mountain as well.

Tomorrow looks like it may have some fresh snow falling – I guess the sunny days couldn’t last forever but it has been a great week so far. That’s it for the September 12 of 12 …. with a bonus video 🙂

2nd Day in the snow …

For our 2nd day in the snow, again it was a typical spring day with warmish weather (11C), clear skies and no wind.

We headed over to the Summit for the morning before spending the afternoon over at Scotts and Ruined Castle.

The snow held up a lot better today than yesterday and you could find somewhere to ski with reasonable snow up to around 3:00. A big day distance wise with 66kms on runs and lifts. 🙂

Rachael decided to try out snow boarding and it looks like that some more lessons are required.

Back in the snow …

Well after a 2 day drive, we have made it back to the snow at Falls Creek – and there is plenty of it. It has been said that it is the best in 8 years and I would have to concur it is pretty good for this late in the season. There is plenty of snow on the sides of the road coming up and the roads in the village are still covered. It has been quite a while that we haven’t been able to drive to our accommodation.

It is probably lucky that the roads are covered as the Lift company replaced all the Oversnow vehicles so they needed to recoup their outlay. I just wasn’t expecting to have to allow them to recoup their cost in the first year. They charged me for Rachael as an adult as they thought she looked older than 15. Not happy Jan 🙁

We arrived at our accommodation to find a lot of familiar faces staying in the lodge. We are almost becoming part of the furniture at Schuss Lodge. It has a great atmosphere and is a friendly lodge. One day we may even become members. 🙂

Today was our first day on the slopes and there was certainly a lot of snow. There were a lot of brown patches but it was not the dirt coming through but dust that blew over last week with the storms.

No matter what slope you chose the conditions were good but unfortunately the weather was warm (12C) so the snow became slushy around 1:30. Still managed to get in around 42 km of runs and lifts for the day so wasn’t too bad.

Another good day is in store for tomorrow.

Skiing at Snoqualmie ….

After a slight miscalculation on the right exit to get from the I-5 to the I-90 we were on our way east of Seattle to Snoqualmie Pass for some skiing. (Well it did allow us to take in some more sights of Downtown Seattle. 🙂

This is the way to get to a ski field – on a 6 lane freeway at 110 kph for an hour – wish Australian Ski Fields were like this.

Taking the exit off the freeway through 5 metre snow banks was amazing given that the ski season is about over here. Back home we would kill to have conditions like this at peak times.

Driving through Snoqualmie East, we were wondering if the resort was actually open today. We arrived at Snoqualmie Central and saw a couple of lifts operating, not very many people on the slopes and a virtually empty carpark.

Because the conditions were not ideal with fog and light rain, it must have scared the locals off. After getting skis and lift tickets we proceeded onto our “private” ski mountain. There were probably only 200 people on the mountain, if that.

The snow was certainly different to Aussie snow, even with the rain, it was not slushy and was fast. There were a couple of exceptions near the edges of the runs which hadn’t been groomed and were a couple of metres deep. Rachael found out the hard way of the consequences of skiing this stuff with a couple of face plants. The snow was soft so no damage was done.

We persisted until closing at 4pm, by which time we were fully saturated but had had a good day out. Cranked up the car (Ford Edge – similar to the Ford Territory in Australia) to 28C including the heated seats and we were on our way home through some heavy fog and rain.

I even attempted to find a geocache but it was under 5m of snow so wasn’t going to happen.

A quick stop at REI for the second time to grab some waterproofing stuff and a US/AUS Power Plug Adapter (had a win on the waterproofing but not the plug) then headed back to the University Motel Suites to dry off.

Tomorrow we are off to Everett for the Boeing Factory Tour and it is a “12 of 12” day as well.

In the Snow 2011 – Falls Creek Final Day

The weather this morning was a little overcast and threatened to be a bit wet with some light rain as we headed up the lift.

Rather than get stuck in bad weather over on Ruined Castle, we stuck around Main Street, Highway 83 and Drovers Dream.

It was then time for some family racing. I set the time to beat at 27.77 seconds and I let both the kids beat it with Rachael 0.5 seconds quicker and Bradley 1.5 seconds quicker. 😉

I called it a day at lunchtime and headed down to get the car ready and packed for the journey home. Jenny and the kids kept skiing for another hour but soon found it tiring and headed down.

After showers and lunch, we hit the road at 3:00 pm – an hour ahead of schedule with the sun shining on our exit.

The plan today was to head through to Bendigo and we arrived at 7:30 pm. Our accommodation for the night was Bendigo Bush Cabins. They provided a bed for the night but were a little on the basic side.

In the Snow 2011 – Falls Creek Day 4

Another great start to the day with sunshine and cool conditions ans some wispy cloud over the snowfields. It was cold overnight so there was some snow making and we headed over to Ruined Castle in the morning to take advantage of the good runs.

Bradley and Rachael took lessons again this morning with Rachael in lessons again in the afternoon. She was going to do snowboard but decided to leave it for another time.

There was more racing for Rachael however here time was a little slower than yesterday.

In the afternoon Bradley took me across to Ruined Castle to try and wear me out by going over the steepest slopes and moguls. For the most I kept up. 🙂

Rachael had her presentation and was awarded fastest girl on the mountain.

A bit more time at the Terrain Park for some air photos and it was back to the Schuss Lodge to get ready for a night with the Neumans.

GPS track for today was 48 kms.


In the Snow 2011 – Falls Creek Day 3

The sun was shining but the wind was brutal this morning. I found out later in the day that if the wind speed was 1 kph faster then the lifts would have been shut down.

Despite the wind we spent the morning over on Ruined Castle on some pretty good snow but it started to soften around lunchtime.

Rachael managed a private lesson in the morning as her other class mates didn’t turn up, then did some racing in the afternoon with a 26 second run. 🙂

Jenny went for a lesson after lunch and also did some racing and got fastest adult female but didn’t beat Rachael with 27 seconds. It did get her a voucher and a couple of free wines at the presentation in Cloud Nine.

The plan was for us to catch the Falls Creek Express back to the top at the end of the day, drop our skis in the locker and bring Jenny back down.

The plan soon changed with some weather coming in and the lifts being closed due to the chance of lightning.

So we couldn’t get up and Jenny had to ski down after a couple of wines. Luckily she had to bring a 5 year down on Wombats Ramble so it was a very slow sobering ski. 😉

I guess we will be taking our skis and stuff up in the morning.

We didn’t see much lightning but it did rain tonight – hope it doesn’t wash any of the snow away. 🙁

The GPS track today was 45 kms.

In the Snow 2011 – Falls Creek Day 2

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday the sun was out, it was warm and the snow remained icy. Today it was overcast, windy and cold and the snow turned mushy – go figure.

As we headed up the mountain, we knew it was going to be cold, the trees were all covered by a thick covering of frost.

The morning skiing was good with the overcast conditions and the runs were great.

Around lunchtime, the wind picked up, the wind chill dropped dramatically and the snow conditions went downhill. We still persevered until 5:00 pm though.

We were cold and it was good to get back to the Schuss Lodge and thaw out.

Even with the conditions, the GPS track for the day was 48 kms. 🙂